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Rwanda Eco-Tours, African Adventure

Nyungwe National Park Wonders in 6 Days

Did you know that Nyungwe Forest National Park is the only destination in the world where you can see up to 13 species of primates in a single location, including rare species such as Chimpanzees, the Blue Monkeys, L'Hoest's Monkeys and the Angolan black and white Colobus Monkeys? It is also a unique phenomenon in primate tourism due to its huge concentrations of habituated primates whose troops can include 400 to 500 individuals!


As one of the most important ornithological hubs in Rwanda, Nyungwe is also home to almost 300 species of birds, making it a bird watcher's paradise!

Mini: 1 pax, Max: 16 pax

Please contact us directly for a quote.

About the tour


Day 1: Pick-up from hotel in Kigali or airport and transfer to HUYE.

Our professional, local guide will greet you at your hotel in the morning and brief you on your trip. We will then begin our journey to the city of Butare, the original capital of Kigali and intellectual centre of Rwanda. Passing through magnificent hills and cultivated countryside, we will stop along the way and visit the famous King's Palace in Nyanza, which offers visitors a window into pre-colonial Rwandan history.


For those who are interested, we can also visit the art museum at Rwesero Nyanza. Upon arrival in Butare, we will have lunch and then go to the National Museum, which will provide you with a deeper insight into Rwandan history and culture.



Day 2: Transfer to Nyungwe and Afternoon Colobus Monkey Trek

Transfer to Nyungwe Forest National Park.

Check-in at your hotel, have a relaxing lunch and then spend the afternoon trekking to the Colobus Monkeys, hiking through lush forests, endless, green tea fields and taking in the stunning views of your surroundings. 


Day 3: Trek chimpanzees

Early morning trek to the chimpanzees. Possible Canopy walk in the afternoon or relaxation at the lodge. Dinner and overnight


Day 4: Nature Walk

On this day, you will embark on a on a nature walk in the forest to explore Nyungwe’s unique features including waterfalls and orchids in the high altitude swamps. While hiking, you may see a variety of primates and bird species found only in this amazing park. In the afternoon, (depending on available time), we offer you a choice of value-added activities from the following;

  • Participate in tea harvesting in the neighboring local communities

  • Visit a tea factory and learn about the production processes of one the highest quality teas produced in East Africa

  • Visit local artisan groups to learn and participate in this and other local community income-generating projects. This is also an opportunity to purchase locally-made crafts and products

  • Listen to a presentation on the ecology of Nyungwe Forest National Park and the ongoing conservation efforts, including the managing of the dynamics and coexistence of park/wildlife and local communities. 


Day 5: Transfer to Karongi along the shores of Lake Kivu

Lake Kivu is one of the great lakes in Africa and the largest of the fresh water lakes that gleam in the Albertine (Western) rift of the Great Rift Valley. Lake Kivu stands at 1461m (4,790ft) above sea level establishing it as Africa’s highest lake. The northern shore of the lake is often subject to eruptions from nearby Mt Nyiragongo.

Karongi is Rwanda’s most attractive of lake ports, nestled in a series of interwoven and undulating hills and offering visitors spectacular views of the lake, its islands and the stunning surrounding countryside. It is considered one of Rwanda’s hidden treasures, with its lush green hills and peaceful breeze. Boat ride to Island of bats, dinner and overnight



Day 6: Transfer to Kigali and Kigali City Tour 

Morning transfer to Kigali. Upon arrival, you will be given a tour of Rwanda's capital city which was named in 1907 by Dr. Richard Kandt, the first colonial resident governor of Rwanda. It is the main administrative and economic centre of Rwanda. Surrounded by lush hills of green, it is the cleanest and safest city in the region. Kigali’s face is her fortune: a dramatic beauty from which its name is derived. There are, however, other contributing factors - it is a city that delights the mind as well as the eye of any visitor and is a city where the past lives comfortably with the present.


On the tour, you will have the opportunity to see the following:

  • Visit an artisan shopping centre to view and purchase local arts and crafts

  • Visit the Kigali Museum and learn the history of Kigali’s and Rwanda’s pre-colonial and colonial period as well as the colonial masters in Rwanda or a Tour around the city

  • See, first hand, the post-genocide development and expansion of Kigali

  • Visit the 1994 Gisozi Genocide Memorial site


when can I go?

Any day your traveler's heart desires!


A professional guide and a safari vehicle (4x4), accommodation and meals as indicated, park entry fees, 1 Chimp permit, 1 Colobus Monkey permit, 1 Nature Walk and Kigali City Tour.


All items of personal expenditure such as entry visas, tips, telephone calls, laundry, gifts, airport taxes and all alcoholic drinks.


Among our reccomended facilities are: Nyungwe top hill view hotel, Gisakura and One & Only Nyungwe house

WE GivE back to the community!

Through our corporate social responsibility, we give back 20% of our revenues to the community through direct funding of community-based projects


The charge per person ($50) for the Iby'Iwacu Cultural Village visit goes directly to the Local Community Trust Fund, which supports community projects to increase both incentives for conservation and linkages to community socio-economic development.


Rwanda Eco- Tours reserves the right to vary the safari services agreed with the client in the event of unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, alternative arrangements will be made without notice.

What to pack?
  • Camera & charger

  • Sun glasses 

  • Sun cream & more sun cream!

  • Rain jacket (just in case)

  • Mosquito repellent


    ...  & all your other essentials!

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